Seth Wisely said

December 4, 2009

all your FQDN are belong to google hippies? google competes for your resolution requests with Google Public DNS

Filed under: CIO, interweb — Seth Wisely @ 20:25



As if google was not yet tracking enough.  Now you’re thrilled with the idea of google, an ad serving data mining megalith, collating ALL resolutions?

No, that won’t end badly at all

*cough* AT&T switches *cough*  *cough*  NSA  *cough*  *cough* socialism  *cough*  *cough*  *cough*

I can haz freeDOM from mine?

Maybe you should call them [and volunteer even more information about yourself via ANI] for “support”

Google Public DNS telephone support

  • 877-590-4367 in the U.S.

Be sure to use google voice to help them help themselves to more data mining.

Run back to the safety of your ISP’s walled garden!

compare google dns faster claims

shorter bars are more better

fanboy has it in for google?

Filed under: adblock — Tags: — Seth Wisely @ 20:08

fanboy adblock Version 021B

has it in for google search results page numbering graphics

hides the letter images other than the current page

stomping on a few page number graphics will not bring the evil empire to its knees.  Or is it part of the green conspiracy?  Less pixels: less energy used and: somehow saved? hehe

Thanks, though, fanboy, for the easylist alternative segmented ABP subscriptions.  I use both yours and Rick‘s.

^^ alternativeTo: an idea I’ve toyed with many times but never developed into such a ‘large’ scale public utility

Seth Wisely said: a few false positives is better than seeing a few ads

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